Category Archives: This & That

Fancast X-Men-Storm (MCU)

December 20, 2019

Filed Under : Fancast - Geeks Only - This & That

Source: LadyofTales

Old news, but the X-men are finally making their debut in the MCU! When? That’s to be announced, but I know all the excitement is coming soon.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a soft spot for Fox’s X-men films (Despite all the continuity errors), but they never got my girl Ororo Monroe, aka Storm, correctly depicted on screen. After six film portrayals, we still don’t know much about our favorite weather witch, but yet, Fox used her face on every poster and dvd cover. So, what gives? How is our beloved character worthy for promotional materials, but not worthy of three lines in the film? In this post, I plan to discuss Storm’s portrayal in previous and future films. Who are your top picks to play Ororo Monroe in the near distant future? Read below for more insight!


Within the entire X-Men franchise, we never really understood Storm’s purpose in the series. On the one hand, you have this beautiful, black woman that has so much of potential to be equally iconic as her comic book counterpart. Unfortunately, Storm plays second fiddle to all her teammates.

Source: Fox

By X2, we can all agree that Storm serves as the token minority with little to no character development, other than her implied “fear” of humans. Remember the first film (Her random moment with Senator Kelly)? It was one of her very few, limited, fleshed out moments in the series. Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that “Kenyan” accent that magically disappears after the first film. Try again Fox!

Source: Fox

Singer attempted to redeem himself with X-Men Apocalypse, but of course, that was another failure. Here, Storm is depicted as a teenage, Egyptian thief with a soft spot for her idol Mystique (Weird). She eventually meets an ancient prophet, receives a power boost (White hair included), serves as one of four henchmen, and eventually joins the team. In the next movie, she is once again reduced to a background character with limited power displays and flight. Okay, that sounds great and all, but that’s extremely underwhelming? As one of the most popular comic book characters, the different variations of Storm can barely reach their film potential.

Oh, and we can’t forget to speak on colorism in Hollywood (There is no way around the conversation without diving in 100%). As a man of color myself, I have noticed that many of the actresses depicted as black women in big, blockbuster films are mostly lighter skinned (bi-racial; biracial latina; inidienous afro-latina). To date, Storm has been depicted by two biracial actresses, Halle Berry and Alexandra Shipp. I understand Halle’s casting in the film (Coming off an Oscar win), but Mystique would have been a better choice for her. Could you imagine Halle serving us looks in blue skin?!

They should have left the Storm slot open to Angela Bassett, Vivica Fox, N’Bushe Wright, Theresa Randle, or Gina Torres. Heck, Sallie Richardson-Whitfield or Thandie Newton would have been better than what we got on screen. Could you imagine two, black actresses leading a comic book movie as Storm and Mystique? X-Men would have been even more ahead of its time for sure.

Source: Stuart Cooper

As of lately, the film industry has made a movement towards uplifting women of color with opportunities outside of traditional stereotypes. We are moving away from the token, sad, angry, hyper-sexualized, finger waving troupe that has been projected on some of our favorite, darker skinned actresses. That being said, we have to jump on this opportunity to cast a more comic book accurate Storm. This is our time!


So, who should play this emotionally stable, African American/Kenyan weather goddess that has a fear of closed spaces in the MCU? Take a look a my picks below, in no specific order.

Deborah Ayorinde

Source: IMDB

Based on the look alone, Deborah Ayorinde captures the true essence of Ororo Monroe. Plus, she has a British accent, which would be an interesting take on the character.

Michaela Coel

Source: The Observer

I immediately fell in love with Michaela Coel’s work after watching Chewing Gum on Netflix. So awkward, yet refreshing! That being said, Michaela is ready for her big screen debut in America. Let’s make this one happen Marvel!

Yaya DaCosta

Source: IMDB

From Lee Daniels’ the Butler to Chicago Med, this ANTM alum has more than enough experience to lead a new Marvel franchise as Storm. I’ve been ready for YaYa to get her hands dirty for quite some time.

Anna Diop

Source: IMDB

Anna Diop is known for portraying StarFire on Titans , and she does one heck of a job! It’s not easy portraying an alien on the small screen. With one super heroin under her belt, I wouldn’t be surprised if Marvel has their eyes set on casting Anna to the future X-Men franchise.

Jade Eshete

Source: IMDB

I actually stumbled across this beauty on Instagram, and was instantly intrigued. After doing a little research and watching a few youtube videos,  we can all agree that Jade is also one heck of an actress! I wonder if Marvel plans on going with an unknown for this role? If so, Jade should be a top contender.

Meagan Good

Source: IMDB

There is no need to discuss her acting credentials because her name speaks for itself. She is beautiful and has the acting chops to embody Storm (It’s quite surprising that Meagan Good is quite overlooked for this role. I even almost forgot to include her in this roster).

Kiki Layne

Source: IMDB

Newcomer Kiki Layne is the new fan favorite to play Storm. I have yet to see her work outside of If Beale Street Could Talk, but she actually WANTS to play Storm. That said, I’m rooting for her as well!

Janelle Monáe

Source: GQ

If we were having this conversation ten years ago, Janlle Monáe would have been completely overlooked. Now that I’ve seen her in action, I think she is ready for her MCU debut. If Storm is out the question, we should consider Dr. Cecelia Reyes or the Dazzler (Since they lightened up Cecelia in the New Mutants film, we can add some color to Alison Blair 🙂 ).

Jade Turner Smith

Source: IMDB

Who wasn’t talking about Jade Turner Smith in Queen and Slim last month?! Once she cut off those braids, slid in to that snakeskin dress, and put on those knee high boots, she gave me every bit of Storm. Will the MCU be her next stop?

DeWanda Wise

Source: IMDB

Similar to KiKi Lane, DeWanda Wise has also campaigned to play Storm in the MCU. While originally casted in Captain Marvel as Maria Rambeau, I’m sure DeWanada still has a few ties with Marvel. I can even see them saving this role for her.


Ryan Destiny

Source: Galore

Ashley Blaine Featherson

Samira Wiley

Source: Fashion Gone Rogue

How do you feel about this roster? Who do you want to play Storm? Feel free and share in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading!

-Bryce Lennon

Tips & Tricks: DIY Christmas Lights Portrait Photography

December 4, 2019

Filed Under : This & That - Tips & Tricks

It’s less than a week after Thanksgiving, and of course, I’m coming down with a little cold 🙁 (Someone must have sneezed on the potato salad). I guess you can’t guess what that means? Less fashion content, but more creative freedom (This will definitely last an entire day)!

While resting, I decided to get in the holiday spirit with this self-timer, portrait photoshoot.

The Concept

Think Stranger Things, but without the obnoxious colorful lights. I’m doubting Will’s ability to send us any cryptic messages from the Upside Down at this point.

What you need

The supplies are very simple. You only need Christmas Lights, scotch tape, and a chair. Of course, I had everything lying around the house, except for the red cellophane paper.

Oh, and lets not forget the camera equipment. I shot with my Canon Rebel T6i DSLR and a Canon 50mm f/1.4L lens, sunpak ultra 7000 tripod, diva ringlight, and canon wireless remote controller.

The Process

I secured the camera on the tripod, and placed it about four feet away from my area of interest. Since I’m using a prime lens, I want to be focused directly on the couch. So, this distance is perfect.

Once the camera was stationed, I set up the ring light to the left of my “stage.” Then, I wrapped and taped the red cellophane paper around the light, creating a more intimate scene.

While standing on a chair, I hung and draped the Christmas lights directly in front of the camera. The lower portion of the cord was placed near the couch.

The Result

Once the camera was turned on, I was ready to shoot. While holding the lights in one hand with the remote in the other, I sat on the couch and began posing. The red ambiance produced by the light source created a nice shadow effect on the other side of my face. The Christmas lights themselves were very fairy like, which different sized glares throughout each shot. Overall, I love how the photos came out! I need to get sick more often (Knocks on wood).


-Bryce Lennon

Big Brother 19: Weeks Six and Seven

September 5, 2017

Filed Under : Reality TV - This & That

Source: CBS

On day 51, Jessica Graf, a 26 year old VIP Concierge was evicted from the Big Brother house. With Paul in control as HoH, Jessica and Cody found themselves on the block together. At the live eviction, Jessica unleashed  the Halting Hex, saving herself and Cody form eviction. Unfortunately, the couple found themselves in the hot seat yet again. This time, Josh put a hault in their game. In a 7 to 1 vote, Jessica was evicted from the game, leaving Cody behind to fend for himself. Find out how it all went down below!

Head of Household Competition

Source: CBS

The eligible houseguests competed in the Inked and Evicted Head of Household competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, houseguests were asked a series of questions based on photos of the evicted HouseGuests. An incorrect answer resulted in elimination. The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household. Paul was the winner.”

Temptation Competition

Source: CBS

Alex, Jason, Mark, Matt danced in the Bowlerina Temptation Competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, HouseGuests competed individually. They must spin around their handle fifteen times. They will then earn fifteen seconds of bowling time. If they run out of time, they must spin again to earn more time. The HouseGuest who knocks down their four pins the fastest will win safety for the week, while the slowest competitor will be on the block as a third nominee. Mark was the winner, and Jason became the third nominee.”


At the last eviction, Jessica abruptly revealed her Halting Hex power to the house. Paul, believing that Jessica was bluffing, decided to nominate “Jody” together. After the nomination ceremony, all hell breaks lose. We find Cody and Paul at each other’s throats. Then, Josh gets involved by bashing pots and pans together. Paul and his crew hope to evict Cody this week. Their plan is to convince Jessica from using the Halting Hex.

Power of Veto Competition

Source: CBS

Paul, Jessica, Cody, and Jason, Kevin, and Raven were selected to participate in the Under the Weather Power of Veto competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, houseguests competed individually. houseguests looked at a teleprompter for sentences with blanks. houseguests had to report the weather and fill in the blanks with the name of one of the first four evicted houseguests while standing in a storm. If the sentence passes through the teleprompter before the houseguest fills in the blank, they will be incorrect. The houseguest who fills in the most blanks correctly will win the Power of Veto. Paul was the winner.”

Power of Veto Ceremony

It the Veto Ceremony, it came to no surprise when Paul decided to use the veto on Jason, leaving Jessica and Cody on the block together. Shortly after, Paul deploys a plan to get under Cody’s skin. He wants the house to pick fights with him. Sounds normal, right? Not exactly! Paul wants his minions to make their attacks personal. The plan? To get Cody to either self evict, get expelled, or convince Jessica not use her power. After hours of arguing, Paul and his minions fail. Jessica even gets involved, exchanging words with Raven.

Eviction (Halting Hex)

Source: CBS

During the live eviction, Jessica wasted no time whipping out her Halting Hex, canceling the live eviction for the week.

Head of Household

Source: CBS

Now that the Halting Hex has officially been flushed, it’s back to the drawing board. The eligible houseguests competed in the Gravestone Golf Head of Household competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, each HouseGuest will putt their eye ball down the course, attempting to land it in the highest numbered slot possible. The slot their ball lands in will be their score. The HouseGuest with the highest score will be the new Head of Household. Josh was the winner.” This is not a good look for all you “Jody” fans.

Temptation Competition

Source: CBS

All of the houseguests, with the exception of Christmas, competed in the Strangest Things Temptation Competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, houseguests competed individually. They must walk through the pitch black House in search of phrases written on the wall. Each phrase will have a circled letter. They must unscramble the circled letters, locate the correct item, and put it in the box. The houseguest who locates the item and puts it in the box in the fastest time will win safety for the week, while the houseguest with the slowest time will be a third nominee for the week. Cody was the winner, and Jessica became the third nominee.”



Finally, Paul’s spell has worn off, for now. Before the nomination ceremony, Josh’s tells Christmas that his original target this week is Elena. We all know however that Paul wants Jessica out. Since this is “Paul’s” game, Josh keeps his plan to himself. He still manages to nominate Elena, Mark, and Jessica with Paul’s consent. This is starting to sound very pathetic.

Power of Veto Competition

Source: CBS

Josh, Mark, Elena, and Jessica, Alex, and Cody were selected to participate in the OTEV the Possessed Piglet Power of Veto competition. After the veto players were picked, Christmas decided to use that good old Ring of Replacement she won way back when. Christmas used the power to swap places with Cody. Ironically, Christmas was not allowed to compete due to her injury. Sucks for Jody. According to Wikipedia, “In each round of this competition, HouseGuests received a question with a number answer. They must search the field for the shoe with the correct number, and return it to OTEV and kneel on a stump. However, there will always be one less stump than HouseGuests. The last HouseGuest to return with the correct number will be eliminated. The last HouseGuest standing will win the Power of Veto. Mark was the winner.”

Power of Veto Ceremony


Once Paul caught wind of Josh’s plan to target Elena, he quickly began working. Paul wanted Josh to put up Raven as a replacement since Mark would definitely take himself off the block. So, Josh follows through with Paul’s plan, it nominates Raven once Mark uses the veto.


Source: CBS

After the ceremony, the houseguests couldn’t wait to attack Jessica, Cody, and even Mark. Not sure how he got involved. I guess Paul and his minions are setting up Mark to be the next target. During the live eviction, Jessica found herself walking out the house. Shortly after, Julie congratulated the houseguests for making it to jury.

Thanks for reading,

-Bryce Lennon

Big Brother 19: Week Five

August 21, 2017

Filed Under : Reality TV - This & That

Source: CBS

Just two weeks shy of the jury, Ramses Soto, the 21 year old cosplay artist was evicted from the Big Brother 19 house. Serving as the pawn for the week, Ramses was sitting comfortably next to the intended target, Josh. As the week progressed, there was a new plan set in place. On day thirty seven, the self proclaimed super fan was taken out the game. Find out how it went down in the full summary below.

Battle Back Competition

Source: CBS

It’s Battle Back time! As mentioned in last week’s summary, the evicted houseguests (Cameron, Jillian, Cody, and Dominique) competed in a series of head to head matches. During the first challenge entitled Rope Maze, each houseguest must maneuver a ball on a platform through a maze using only ropes and pulleys. The winners, Cody and Cameron of course! The two men claimed victory over Jillian and Dominique as they struggled throughout the competition. For the Billboard Smashers competition, Cody and Cameron raced around the clock to launch balls at a billboard using a slingshot. At first, Cody struggled to find his rhythm, while Cameron maintained a strong lead. Cody eventually figures out how to maneuver the challenge and beats out Cameron.

Source: CBS

Now, this wouldn’t be Big Brother without some type of twist. For the final challenge, the remaining houseguests were given a chance to prevent Cody from returning. They were forced to vote one of their own to compete against Cody in the final round. If the voted in houseguest wins, no one returns. One bye one each houseguest was called into the diary room. In a unanimous decision, the house voted for Paul to compete against Cody. Fortunately, Cody has the pleasure of choosing the challenge. Since he performed well the firs time around, Cody played his luck in the Maze Race competition. With the odds in his favor, Cody claimed victory over Paul and won his way back into the house.

Head of Household

Source: CBS

Now that Cody has resurrected himself from the dead, the house is off to a fresh start. This week, the remaining houseguests, with the exception of Alex, competed in the What’s the Hold-Up? HOH challenge. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, Houseguests must press their red traffic disk up by pressing it against their board with their stick. If a Houseguest drops their disk, they will be eliminated. As a Houseguest is eliminated, they must select a Houseguest to punish, making it more difficult for them to continue. The last Houseguest standing will be the new Head of Household.” The competition came down to Christmas and Jessica. Knowing that her neck is on the line, Jessica stays in the competition until the early hours of the morning, beating out Christmas.


This week, it should come to no surprise who Jessica intends on targeting. Josh of course! Okay, Josh sounds like a descent plan. Actually, I’m lying! Nominating Josh sounds like a disaster. Why? Although Jessica and Josh have been at each other’s throats for weeks now, the hair care sales associate is not a threat to anyone’s game. Logically, Paul, Alex, or Jason would be a better move. Call it foreshadowing, but Jessica’s plan may all be in vein. With operation “Take Out Josh” in full effect, Jessica required a pawn to secure his exit. Ramses, an outsider, was highly considered. At the nomination ceremony, Jessica followed through with her plan, and we saw Josh and Ramses on the block together.

Power of Veto

Source: CBS

Jessica, Josh, Ramses, Cody, Jason, and Christmas competed in the BB Juicy Blast Power of Veto competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, Houseguests will watch the monitor to see a sequence of smoothie ingredients. After the sequence, they will be asked a question based on the sequence they just saw. If a Houseguest answers incorrectly, they will be eliminated. The last Houseguest standing will win the Power of Veto. Jessica was the winner.”

Power of Veto Ceremony

Jessica is still fixated on this little plan of hers, but little does she know that Paul and his minions are planning another blindside, with Ramses as the intended target. As instructed by Paul, Josh plays up his “end”  by laying low. This fake red flag performance is intended to throw off Jessica from the actual plan. Of course, Ramses has yet to catch on to anything. He is a little worried, but not worried enough to campaign to stay in the house. At the veto ceremony, Jessica decided to keep her nominations the same.

Live Eviction

Source: CBS

Paranoia was at an all time in the Big Brother house. After speaking to Kevin, Jessica was informed about the house flip. Yes, Josh is staying and Ramses is going. Are you surprised? Not at all. Jessica realizing she was suckered yet again tries to “secure” Ramses with enough votes to stay. Cody even threatens people into keeping Ramses. Unfortunately, Paul and family already had their minds made up. In a seven to three vote, Ramses was the fifth houseguest evicted from the game.