Category Archives: Life

Lifestyle: The Comfort Zone

February 4, 2020

Filed Under : Celebrations - Life

You would think after seven years of blogging, I would be like to step outside my comfort zone more frequently. Unfortunately, I too can get very complacent. Not across the board, but definitely with my work though. Bryce Lennon, you are such a driven person, what gives? What can I say? We all have our weak spots. Yes, I’m a man of structure and routines. However, complacency tends to creep in at some of the most unsuspecting times.

To this point, I recently stepped outside of my comfort zone with UnregisteredStyle and curated “The Love Experience,” an editorial project that features dynamic couples in love. You can find the first post here.

Great work Bryce Lennon, but how does this relate to stepping outside of your comfort zone? Simple! For one, I have yet to coordinate a fashion related project with ten people or more, until now. Don’t get me wrong, I had my reservations at first. Working with one model is challenging enough. Add a few more, let alone nine, chaos will ensue. Plus, I had to deal with cancellations and accommodating everyone’s hectic schedule. No bueno!

So, why add more stress? Ultimately, it came down to my subconscious itch to grow. Although the quality of my work has improved over the years, fear was holding me back from reaching my full potential. So, I had to step outside of my comfort zone, and make things happen. Best decision ever. I’m going to let you be the judge on that one though.

Be on the look out for more tidbits from the Love Experience throughout the month of February, and thank you for being a listening ear today. It really means a lot (Now that was really outside my comfort zone 🙂 )

Thanks for listening,

-Bryce Lennon

Lifestyle: Goals for 2020

January 7, 2020

Filed Under : Celebrations - Life

As a reformed people pleaser, I told myself that this would be a self care year. In most situations, I naturally put others before myself. It’s just how I was built. Although this may sound like a wonderful quality, there have been times when this was not the case. When you don’t even consider yourself a high priority, emotional and mental exhaustion become the norm. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with helping my loved ones. However, I’ve been working on finding a balance.

With that said, here are a list of my self care goals for 2020. I am taking a different approach than usual, tackling small things at a time!

Dry shots: Mo and I have made a pact to reduce our alcohol intake completely this year. That means NO alcohol under any circumstances in 2020. For all you drinkers out there, you may be giving us the side eye, but it’s been long overdue. I can only speak for myself, but I can’t hang like before (I really never could to be transparent). One or two glasses of wine, and I’m literally on the floor. My tolerance is extremely low these days. So, I can keep that extra change in my pocket.

Hobbies, Hobbies, and More Hobbies: As I juggle this routine of adulthood, I find it even more difficult to find time for my hobbies than ever before. Once upon a time, I would exercise, draw, read books, and watch movies during my freetime. Now, the word free-time has become an ancient relic of the past. In 2020, I told myself that I am going to make time for all the things that make me whole. Like the old saying goes, people make time for what they want to make time for. I’m going to do just that!

Protecting My Energy: Now that I have mastered the art of self awareness, I have become very resilient against most energy vampires. My blood is no longer scented of vulnerability, anxiety, and poor boundaries. I have an arsenal full of optimism, self assurance, and accountability to protect me from danger. Energy vampires, be aware!

Strictly Business: Without a doubt, Business should always come first. In 2020, I plan on taking care of business for myself, and then others. How many times have I helped others, only to have less time for my own personal endeavors? Plenty of times. So, my relationship, work, and my businesses will come first in 2020. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Leaving the Baggage at the Airport: Let’s be honest, any and everyone has some type of baggage. We have all be hurt, abandoned, and discarded. However, that doesn’t mean you should pull a full luggage set everywhere you go. Could you imagine? You would be so exhausted every day, and that’s what happens when you carry around your issues all the time. With the help of a counselor, I have been working on leaving all my baggage behind for years. I know 2020 is my trigger free year. I constantly tell myself to feel in the moment, and keep the rest in the past.

What are some of your goals for the upcoming year. Share in the comments section below.


-Bryce Lennon

Lifestyle: Holiday Gift Guide for Him

December 12, 2019

Filed Under : Celebrations - Life - Uncategorized

Tis the season for all your holiday shopping! As we approach December 25th, I’m pretty sure that we all have a few gifts to buy. If you’re wondering what  to get for that special man in your life, look no further! Today, I put together this little holiday gift guide for 2019. Here are some of my best ideas:

Cologne: If you have a few extra dollars to spare, treat him to a new fragrance for the holiday. If you don’t know where to start, try retail stores like Nordstrom and Macys. They have some of the best colognes around.

Airpods: If I’m not mistaken, Apple dropped their cordless airPods nearly three years ago, and the consumers went crazy! Unfortunately, I’m still walking around with my basic earPods. So, if your favorite gentleman hasn’t jumped on the air pod bandwagon, help him out and get him a pair.

Alarm Clock: Yes, I am well aware that every iPhone comes fully equipped with an alarm clock app. If your home boy is anything like me, I like to keep things old school with an actual alarm clock by my side.

Blender: Who doesn’t love a nice fruity smoothie? I sure do! Make sure to order him a blender to bring in the New Year. You can’t go wrong with the ninja bullet. It’s my personal favorite.

Wireless Charging Pad: Why charge your phone from the cord when you can get all the juice from the pad? I’m pretty sure he will appreciate a wireless charging pad for the office, bedroom, and even the car. I’m not sure about the last one, but it sounds fun.

Puffer Jacket: Based on last weeks post found here, you can tell that I have a soft spot for the puffer jacket this go round. So, make sure he gets one before those harsh winds hit. A harsh winter is ahead in the forecast.

Luggage: Packing for any vacation can be anything less than exciting, especially if you are limited in traveling size. Every man should have at least one large suitcase in his arsenal, and it doesn’t hurt to buy a new one every once in a while.

Jukebox: Yet again, another cordless option. The iPhone compatible jukebox is a nostalgic goldmine. It’s the perfect gift for any young man that wants to jam out in style.

Boots: Keeping your toes warm during the winter requires one major requirement, boots, of course! Invest in a pair, and your money will go a long way. I’ve had the same pair of combat boots for eight years, and they’re still holding up. This year, I’m looking for some Doc Martens under the Christmas tree.

Classic Console: Get ready to dust off all those old video games. Some of our favorite gaming systems like the original PlayStation are returning store shelves this winter. It’s going to be like the Christmas of 95 all over again!

You can’t go wrong with any of these gifts for him!

-Bryce Lennon

Lifestyle: It’s my Birthday…32 Things About Me

August 11, 2019

Filed Under : Celebrations

Guess what? It’s my 32nd Birthday! Yikes! 32?! I know, 32 is not one of those Instagram worthy milestone years like 25, 30, or 35, but it’s still a celebration. Why? Listen, I’m just happy to be here another year. So, we can just celebrate that one, okay 🙂 .

Since I’m all about little themes these days, I am going to share 32 fun facts about myself. A little cliché, I know, but I’m working on my authenticity and vulnerability these days. So, here goes nothing:

  1. I share the same home town name as my mother, Lumberton
  2. All of my siblings have the number 11, in our birthday date, August 11th, October 11th, and November 25th (The 11th month). Weird!
  3. I was born with twelve fingers (Where can I enroll in the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning)
  4. I’ve only lived in two states, New Jersey and North Carolina
  5. My favorite color is yellow
  6. I absolutely hate being late (Does anyone else have anxiety here?)
  7. My favorite movie is 500 Days of Summer
  8. I despise chocolate with a passion (It has a very vile taste)
  9. Four is my all time favorite number
  10. I have yet to learn how to play an instrument
  11. Big Brother is my favorite show of all-time (You knew that already 🙂 )
  12. For my career, I specialize in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  13. I have two birth marks (One on my arm and the other is on my ankle)
  14. I’ve worked as a college professor for eight years
  15. I LOVE listening to music and reading self help books every day
  16. I run at least one half marathon every spring
  17. My favorite video game is the Sims 2, with all the expansion packs
  18. At eight years old, I learned how to swim
  19. I ran my first and last marathon in November of 2014
  20. Chuck Taylors and Vans are my favorite sneakers (Obviously 🙂 )
  21. I can draw really well
  22. I’m actually not into mainstream fashion. I prefer nostalgic trends
  23. My height is around 5’8, depending on how large or small the fro happens to be that day (Shrinkage is real)
  24. Up until the age of ten, I was a sleep walker
  25. I still watch cartoons like a child
  26. If I could live in another country, I would move to England
  27. I haven’t eaten meat in over two years (Proud pescatarian)
  28. For photography, I always shoot in the shade (It never fails)
  29. I still wear my retainer every night (Sorry Mo 🙂 )
  30. My favorite meal is breakfast
  31. I have no tattoos or piercings, but I was branded in college (Fraternity life)
  32. Senior year of high school, I got stuck on an amusement park ride

Sheesh, that was  a lot harder than I ever imagined!

Thanks for reading,

-Bryce Lennon