#WIWT Color Block Track Pants

January 16, 2019

Filed Under : My Style

What I’m Wearing
Track Pants | Hoodie | Topcoat | Sneakers

Hail to all my track pant lovers out there! Today, I decided to get a head start on one of the popular trends this season, track apparel. More specifically, track pants. Decked out in burgundy, red, and duel side white strides, these color block track pants are extremely comfortable and versatile. They look great when worn with a boot or sneaker. As shown above, I went with the ladder. I further styled my look with a solid color hoodie and tweed topcoat from ASOS. So, how do you feel about this particular look? Feel free to share in the comments section below! Thanks for reading!

Bless up,

-Bryce Lennon