Source: CBS
On day 51, Jessica Graf, a 26 year old VIP Concierge was evicted from the Big Brother house. With Paul in control as HoH, Jessica and Cody found themselves on the block together. At the live eviction, Jessica unleashed the Halting Hex, saving herself and Cody form eviction. Unfortunately, the couple found themselves in the hot seat yet again. This time, Josh put a hault in their game. In a 7 to 1 vote, Jessica was evicted from the game, leaving Cody behind to fend for himself. Find out how it all went down below!
Head of Household Competition

Source: CBS
The eligible houseguests competed in the Inked and Evicted Head of Household competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, houseguests were asked a series of questions based on photos of the evicted HouseGuests. An incorrect answer resulted in elimination. The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household. Paul was the winner.”
Temptation Competition

Source: CBS
Alex, Jason, Mark, Matt danced in the Bowlerina Temptation Competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, HouseGuests competed individually. They must spin around their handle fifteen times. They will then earn fifteen seconds of bowling time. If they run out of time, they must spin again to earn more time. The HouseGuest who knocks down their four pins the fastest will win safety for the week, while the slowest competitor will be on the block as a third nominee. Mark was the winner, and Jason became the third nominee.”

At the last eviction, Jessica abruptly revealed her Halting Hex power to the house. Paul, believing that Jessica was bluffing, decided to nominate “Jody” together. After the nomination ceremony, all hell breaks lose. We find Cody and Paul at each other’s throats. Then, Josh gets involved by bashing pots and pans together. Paul and his crew hope to evict Cody this week. Their plan is to convince Jessica from using the Halting Hex.
Power of Veto Competition

Source: CBS
Paul, Jessica, Cody, and Jason, Kevin, and Raven were selected to participate in the Under the Weather Power of Veto competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, houseguests competed individually. houseguests looked at a teleprompter for sentences with blanks. houseguests had to report the weather and fill in the blanks with the name of one of the first four evicted houseguests while standing in a storm. If the sentence passes through the teleprompter before the houseguest fills in the blank, they will be incorrect. The houseguest who fills in the most blanks correctly will win the Power of Veto. Paul was the winner.”
Power of Veto Ceremony

It the Veto Ceremony, it came to no surprise when Paul decided to use the veto on Jason, leaving Jessica and Cody on the block together. Shortly after, Paul deploys a plan to get under Cody’s skin. He wants the house to pick fights with him. Sounds normal, right? Not exactly! Paul wants his minions to make their attacks personal. The plan? To get Cody to either self evict, get expelled, or convince Jessica not use her power. After hours of arguing, Paul and his minions fail. Jessica even gets involved, exchanging words with Raven.
Eviction (Halting Hex)

Source: CBS
During the live eviction, Jessica wasted no time whipping out her Halting Hex, canceling the live eviction for the week.
Head of Household

Source: CBS
Now that the Halting Hex has officially been flushed, it’s back to the drawing board. The eligible houseguests competed in the Gravestone Golf Head of Household competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, each HouseGuest will putt their eye ball down the course, attempting to land it in the highest numbered slot possible. The slot their ball lands in will be their score. The HouseGuest with the highest score will be the new Head of Household. Josh was the winner.” This is not a good look for all you “Jody” fans.
Temptation Competition

Source: CBS
All of the houseguests, with the exception of Christmas, competed in the Strangest Things Temptation Competition. According to Wikipedia, “In this competition, houseguests competed individually. They must walk through the pitch black House in search of phrases written on the wall. Each phrase will have a circled letter. They must unscramble the circled letters, locate the correct item, and put it in the box. The houseguest who locates the item and puts it in the box in the fastest time will win safety for the week, while the houseguest with the slowest time will be a third nominee for the week. Cody was the winner, and Jessica became the third nominee.”

Finally, Paul’s spell has worn off, for now. Before the nomination ceremony, Josh’s tells Christmas that his original target this week is Elena. We all know however that Paul wants Jessica out. Since this is “Paul’s” game, Josh keeps his plan to himself. He still manages to nominate Elena, Mark, and Jessica with Paul’s consent. This is starting to sound very pathetic.
Power of Veto Competition

Source: CBS
Josh, Mark, Elena, and Jessica, Alex, and Cody were selected to participate in the OTEV the Possessed Piglet Power of Veto competition. After the veto players were picked, Christmas decided to use that good old Ring of Replacement she won way back when. Christmas used the power to swap places with Cody. Ironically, Christmas was not allowed to compete due to her injury. Sucks for Jody. According to Wikipedia, “In each round of this competition, HouseGuests received a question with a number answer. They must search the field for the shoe with the correct number, and return it to OTEV and kneel on a stump. However, there will always be one less stump than HouseGuests. The last HouseGuest to return with the correct number will be eliminated. The last HouseGuest standing will win the Power of Veto. Mark was the winner.”
Power of Veto Ceremony

Once Paul caught wind of Josh’s plan to target Elena, he quickly began working. Paul wanted Josh to put up Raven as a replacement since Mark would definitely take himself off the block. So, Josh follows through with Paul’s plan, it nominates Raven once Mark uses the veto.

Source: CBS
After the ceremony, the houseguests couldn’t wait to attack Jessica, Cody, and even Mark. Not sure how he got involved. I guess Paul and his minions are setting up Mark to be the next target. During the live eviction, Jessica found herself walking out the house. Shortly after, Julie congratulated the houseguests for making it to jury.
Thanks for reading,
-Bryce Lennon