Source: Global TV
With Big Brother 19 premiering on Wednesday, I plan to wrap up this season within the next couple of days. Last time we tuned in to BBCAN, Dillon was blindsided and sent packing by his closest ally in the game. This week, the Jamaican Queen, Ika Wong, was finally dethroned at the final four. Unfortunately, Ika was only a few days short of the live finale. Let’s find out how it all went down in the full summary below.
Head of Household

Source: Global TV
Following Dillon’s eviction, the remaining houseguests competed in the “Solve for X” Head of Household competition. According to Big Brother Network, “In this competition, houseguests watched the monitor that would slowly reveal information about a specific week in the House, such as the Head of Household, nominees, and Have-Nots. In each round, one piece of information will be crossed off. The houseguests must correctly identify the information that was left out. The first houseguest to buzz in with the correct answer will receive a point. The houseguest with the most points will be the new Head of Household.” After a close match, Demetres prevailed and won his fourth HoH challenge, beating out his showmance partner Ika.

Now, that Demetres is Head of Household yet again, it came to no surprise when Karen and Kevin saw themselves sitting on the block.
Power of Veto Competition

Source: Global TV
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s time for the final Power of Veto competition of the season. In the “Down Under” Power of Veto competition, the houseguests must place their questions in chronological order in the universe above. Then, they must head to the alternate universe beneath them and place the correct answer corresponding to the questions. The houseguest who correctly organizes and completes the questions and answers the fastest will win the Power of Veto. When it’s all said and done, Kevin won the POV, securing his spot in the final three.
Power of Veto Ceremony

Since Kevin won the Veto, Demetres was forced to put up Ika as the replacement nominee. Ika accepted her fate in the game, knowing that her game was coming to an end, with Kevin having the sole vote to evict.
Live Eviction

Source: Global TV
As mentioned previously, Kevin now has the sole vote to evict either Ika or Karen. Contrary to popular belief, Kevin actually weighed his options. Although Ika has played a better game and deserves the money, she is more of a threat to win the game. Plus, it would be very beneficial to split up a showmance before the finale. With that being said, Kevin casted his vote against Ika, sending her to the jury house.